
Carib farm is an organization dedicated to helping farmers access the resources and connections they need to succeed. They believe that providing farmers with the tools and knowledge they need to grow their crops sustainably and profitably is essential for the growth and success of the agricultural industry. By connecting farmers with each other and with industry experts, they aim to create a supportive and collaborative community that can help farmers overcome challenges and seize new opportunities. .


Competitive research
Concept Testing



Project Duration

4 Weeks


Carib farm provides a new solution for knowledge sharing, enabling collaboration and farmer-to-farmer knowledge exchange to improve small-scale farmer capacity and local food security. To fulfill their aim of providing free service to farmers and to sustain and scale our efforts, they require funding from external sources.They are seeking startup funding from international agencies, individuals, or foundations that focus on climate-smart agriculture.Additionally, they aim to establish scaling partnerships with local government agriculture advisory and digital providers and secure sponsorships from agriculture industry supply partners. These partnerships and sponsorships will help them to reach more farmers and provide them with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed.

My Role

UI/UX Designer


The solution for helping this organization secure more partnerships would be to design a webpage that serves as a comprehensive information hub about caribfarm. The webpage would highlight the organization's vision, mission, and achievements to date, as well as provide detailed information about the services they offer to small-scale farmers. To attract potential partners, the webpage would also feature the benefits of partnering with the organization, including opportunities for brand exposure and contributing to a meaningful cause. The webpage would be designed with user experience in mind, making it easy for potential partners to navigate and quickly find the information they need. Ultimately, the goal of the webpage would be to encourage more organizations to partner with the co-learning network and support their mission of improving small-scale farmer capacity and local food security.

Conducting a competitive analysis helps us to understand our standing in the market, identify how our competitors are tackling similar usability issues, pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses, and avoid making the same mistakes. Our research revealed that there are not many competitors offering a solution similar to Carib Farms. Therefore, we decided to focus our competitive analysis on Agri Bros and

Analysis of

The website provides wealth of information related to agriculture industry. It offers news, market analysis, educational resources, and variety of other resources to help farmers and other agricultural professionals stay informed and make informed decisions...

  • Provides comprehensive and up-to-date news, trends, and developments in the agricultural industry
  • Offers a range of educational resources for novice and experienced farmers
  • Interactive discussion forum to exchange knowledge and experiences
  • Features articles from leading agricultural researchers and experts
  • Comprehensive market and product directory for farmers and agribusinesses

  • Navigation menus are confusing and hard to find
  • he website has a cluttered design with too many elements on the page
  • Images and videos used on the website are of low quality
  • The website does not have any contact information or support option
  • Website  design is not interactive

Analysis of Agribros

Agribros  is an online platform designed to help farmers and other agricultural professionals connect with buyers and sellers in their local area. The website offers an array of services to help customers find the best deals on agricultural products and services....

  • The  website features a wide range of products from a variety of suppliers, giving users a great selection to choose from
  • Agribros market website provides detailed product information, making it easy for customers to compare options
  • Agribros Market website offers an easy - to - use interface
  • Agribros market website provides customer service, helping customers with any questions or issues they may have
  • The website does not have a search feature to help customers quickly find what they are looking for
  • Agribros Market mobile app design is not good. Images are also not clear
  • The website does not have customer reviews or ratings to help customers make informed decisions
  • Poor navigation structure, making it difficult for users to find the desired information

The following chart compares various features of the two competitors....

Knowledge Parter User Flow

Sponsor User Flow

Partner User Flow

User Flow for Donation


For this design project, I created a low fidelity design, performed usability tests to get feedback from users, and then used the insights to create a high fidelity design that addressed the issues identified in the tests.

About Us

Our Community


Grow with us

Go to Figma Design

About Us

Our Mission


Grow with us

As a UI/UX designer, I can see that Carib Farm's aim to secure more partnerships and funding is critical to its success in providing valuable services to small-scale farmers. A comprehensive webpage that serves as an information hub for the organization could be an effective solution to attract potential partners and funders. The webpage should be designed with the user experience in mind, ensuring that it is easy to navigate and quickly find the relevant information. It should highlight the organization's vision, mission, and achievements, as well as the services they offer to small-scale farmers. Additionally, the webpage should emphasize the benefits of partnering with the organization, including opportunities for brand exposure and contributing to a meaningful cause. By designing a webpage that effectively communicates the value of the co-learning network, it is possible to encourage more organizations to partner with Carib Farm and support their mission of improving small-scale farmer capacity and local food security.